images: weheartit, swag, google,
I have a tendancy to be referred to as "black" my my friends which of course is neither true nor politically correct but nevertheless I do showcase my rapping and crumping on occasion (these occasions are usually fuelled by a few to many cocktails or champagne). It has been a thing that has followed me around for years and I love it. "Ghetto love" was a thing that I gave out to my adoring (or so I thought) "fans" i.e the average white person hug. It is stupid to think a girl from upper middle class gorwing up in the burb of Beecroft could have even a slight amount of street cred but I am more than happy to claim this. probably not good for the rap industry and community but hey they have appealed to the masses.
At the moment I am crushing hardcore on Miss Nicki Minaj/Roman/Martha/Onika or any other later-egos I have missed. Adore her and her crazy get ups and of course that behind, much more impressive than any Kardashian. She is everything I cannot be but secretly hope I will be. Her album Pink Friday is on repeat throughout this week on my 90's boom box along with my gold name earrings. Get cha swagga on.
*Note I am sorry for my lame attempt at rap talk but at least you haven't seen my horrendous version of Superbass circa May 2011.